Monday, February 22, 2010

Painting Tip

I do alot of painting, my husband will tell you too much, but it's like therapy for me. In the process, I have learned a few things that I thought would be helpful to pass along.

When you are in the middle of painting a room and need to stop for some reason, instead of washing out your brushes or roller, put them in a plastic bag and put them in the refridgerator till you can come back to it. If it is going to be for more than a day, I suggest putting them in the freezer and then pull them out a few hours before you are ready to paint so they can thaw out. This is much easier than trying to wash brushes each time you paint.

I also use an old sheet as my drop cloth. I like them much better than the plastic drop clothes. I also use baby wipes to wipe up the baseboards or trim if the paint gets on them.

If you have any other helpful painting tips, I would love to hear them.

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